Cost of capturing CO2 drops 67% for next gen carbon capture plant
The International CCS Knowledge Centre report shows a deep capital cost reductions of 67% per tonne of captured CO2.
The study showed that compared to the Boundary Dam 3 CCS project (BD3), a CCS system at Shand could see capture capital cost reductions of 67% p
er tonne of CO2 captured as well as 92% in potential savings to power plant integration capital cost.
Based on the model, the levelized cost of captured CO2 is calculated at $45US/tonne.
The Shand CCS Feasibility Study is based on an independent study of the construction and design of SaskPower’s Boundary Dam 3 CCS project. In addition to cost reductions, key outcomes of the Shand CCS Feasibility Study include:
A design that ensures improved responsiveness to fluctuating customer demand for power, which is increasingly necessary in power systems that exhibit increasing levels of variable renewable energy such as wind and solar;
A design that minimizes water requirements; and
A meaningful reduction in process complexity, allowing efficiency gains to be maximized.
“This innovative study destroys the myth, once and for all, that Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in the power sector is not a cost-effective mitigation option. The study clearly demonstrates that CCUS on coal can be competitive with natural gas even with the very low gas prices in North America.” said John Gale, General Manager, IEAGHG.